Adding extruded flanges of varying length

To accomplish this task, open file "ExtFlan03.e3". After starting the Extruded Flange command, proceed as follows.

  1. Select the profile that will be used to define the direction of the flange.

    About the profile
    The profile to be selected must:
    • be open
    • contain only lines and arcs
    • have one of its endpoints on an edge of the solid.

    To change the selected profile, right-click on Profile, choose Reset in the context menu and select another profile.

  2. In the Type drop-down list, select Edges.

  3. Select the edges on which you want to create the flange. The preview of the flange will be displayed. For this tutorial, make the selection as shown below.

    To change the selected edges, right-click on Edges, choose Reset in the context menu and perform the selection again.

  4. To define the length of the flange, in the Extension drop-down list under More Options, select 1st distance and 2nd distance. The 1st Distance and 2nd Distance mini-dialog boxes are displayed on the model.

  5. Select the At each edge check box under Extension. The 1st Distance and 2nd Distance mini-dialog boxes are displayed for each selected edge.

    Note that the mini-dialog boxes are active for one edge at a time. To cycle between the mini-dialog boxes either click on it or use the TAB key.

  6. In the 1st Distance mini-dialog box, type the distance of the starting side face of the flange from the first end point of the selected edge. Then hit the TAB key. A preview is displayed.

    In the 2nd Distance mini-dialog box, type the distance of the ending side face of the flange from the second end point of the selected edge.

  7. Repeat the previous step for other edges.

  8. Click or to confirm your selections and create the flange.

    Click to discard your changes.
Using the At each edge option it is possible to overcome the face over lapping issue that arises while applying the Extruded Flange command on concave edges.

By appropriately specifying the flange extension on the concave edges, the overlapping of the flanges can be avoided, as shown in the following image.