Adding an extruded flange to a solid

To accomplish this task, open file "ExtFlan01.e3". After starting the Extruded Flange command, proceed as follows.
1 Select the profile that will be used to define the direction of the flange.

About the profile
The profile to be selected must:
  • Be open
  • Contain only lines and arcs
  • Have one of its endpoints on an edge of the solid.

To change the selected profile, right-click on Profile, choose Reset in the context menu and select another profile.

2 In the Type drop-down list select Edges.

3 Select the edge on which you want to create the flange.

To change the selected edges, right-click on Edges, choose Reset in the context menu and perform selection again.

4 To define the length of the flange, in the Extension drop-down list under More Options select 1st Distance and 2nd Distance. The 1st Distance and 2nd Distance mini-dialog boxes are displayed on the model.

5 In the 1st Distance mini-dialog box, type the distance of the starting side face of the flange from the first end point of the selected edge. Then hit the TAB key. A preview is displayed.

In the 2nd Distance mini-dialog box, type the distance of the ending side face of the flange from the second end point of the selected edge.

6 Click or to confirm your selections and create the flange.

Click to discard your changes.