Dynamic and Static Rendering

Rendering is the process of generating an image from a model. A model to be rendered it should contain geometry, texture, lighting and shading information. The rendering is mainly of two types:

Dynamic Rendering

Dynamic Rendering is a fast rendering process. This type of rendering gives an approximate and quick rendered image. Dynamic rendering can support textures, true transparency, true shadows and bumps. In this type of rendering, there is compromise on the quality of the rendered image but enables you to actually have a look of the rendering information applied on the model. You can rotate the 3D model to view the rendering information applied. The features of dynamic rendering are:

Static Rendering

Static Rendering is a slow rendering process. The rendered image is of very high quality and gives a very realistic effect to the image. The simulation of realistic lighting, shadows, atmosphere, environments, color, texture, and optical effects such as the refraction of light is of very high quality and realistic. The features of static rendering are:

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