System Options

Category: General

Visual bookmarks

Automatic recapture

When selected, every Visual Bookmark will be automatically re-saved whenever the model/drawing to which the Visual Bookmark is attached is saved.

Automatic recapture

Automatic recapture

When selected, every Visual Bookmark will be automatically re-saved whenever the model/drawing to which the Visual Bookmark is attached is saved.

Select color


Select the color representation type:

ShadingColors are displayed as they appear in the shaded representations of objects
WireframeColors are displayed as they appear in the wireframe representations of objects



Select the color representation type:

ShadingColors are displayed as they appear in the shaded representations of objects
WireframeColors are displayed as they appear in the wireframe representations of objects

Spin box increments

Spin box increments

The controls in this area enable you to define the spin box increment values to be used when defining lengths and angles.



This value determines the increment to be added to the currently displayed value for linear measurements each time a spin box is available. At each click on the spin box, the increment you set here will be added to the displayed value.



This value determines the increment to be added to the currently displayed value for angular measurements each time a spin box is available. At each click on the spin box, the increment you set here will be added to the displayed value.



The controls in this area enable you to govern the behavior of the Undo command.

Steps number:

Steps number:

Enables you to specify the number of actions that will be stored, thus resulting available to be reversed using the Undo command. The maximum number allowed is 1000.



When selected, the model is automatically reconstructed after each Undo operation.

When not selected, you must click Rebuild in order to reconstruct the model.

When working with very complex models, which require a lot of time to be reconstructed, we recommend that you disable this function by deselecting the check box.

Show Undo resetting message

Show Undo resetting message

When selected, if you select a command that can't be undone, a proper message is displayed.
When not selected, the command is performed but no message is displayed to warn you that you won't be able to undo it.

Large assembly

Large assembly

The settings made in this area will define whether the think3 application treats assemblies as standard assemblies or large assemblies.

Enable on models with more than:

Enable on models with more than:

The think3 application will treat the assembly model as a large assembly if its components are more than the value specified in the components edit box.

For a large assembly:



The value in this edit box determines the threshold for the number of components that an assembly must have to make the think3 application consider it as a large assembly. The number in the edit box can be directly entered in it or it can be modified by using the spinner buttons.

Note that the components edit box is active only when the Enable on models with more than: check box is selected.

3D Converters

3D Converters

Option in this area enables you to perform a quality check on the model loaded using the converter.

Check Model Quality after loading

Check Model Quality after loading

The models imported into think3 might not be perfect, as they can have issues that can be of topological nature, specific issues on curves, surfaces and points or also geometric problems. All these issues can be checked by the Model Quality.