Extending Curves to Limiting Entities

In this example you will extend to curves to some limiting entities using the Extend Curve command. Open file "mc_01_08. e3 e2". The following will be displayed:


1 Start the Extend Curve command.
2 In the Mode drop-down list, select the Boundary option.
3 Click on the curves you want to extend (the two circular arcs in the following illustration):

Unless you have deselected the Ask before converting check box, you are asked to confirm the conversion into NURBS.
4 End selection by right-clicking and choosing Continue in the context menu.
5 Click on the limit entity (the vertical segment on the left):

6 Depending on your Continuity By: option, you will get one of the following previews:
First derivative Second derivative Third derivative

7 After selecting the proper Continuity By:, click to actually extend the curves.