Setting tangency and modifying one curve only: the scale factor

The following is a simple example of how changing the scale factor changes the section of curve nearest the contact point. As the scale factor is increased, the change becomes more and more marked.
  1. Open file "mc_99_04.e3e2".

  2. Start the Curve Continuity command.
  3. In the Degree drop-down list select Tangency.
  4. In the Method drop-down list select Fit reference curve.
  5. Click first on the arc and then on the straight line segment (which must remain unchanged), as shown below:

  6. Type the values 1 and 0 in the Scale and Propagation boxes, respectively.
  7. Click to obtain the following result:

  8. Repeat the exercise using a scale value of 5 and a propagation factor of 0 again. Compare the results obtained:

    Scale: 1  
    Propagation: 0 

    Scale: 5  
    Propagation: 0