Enables you to easily choose the most suitable tolerance values among the following:
High | This is the default value, which sets the tolerance values to the following: Position = 0.001mm/0.0000394in, Tangency = 0.1 deg, Curvature = 0.05. |
Medium | Sets the tolerances values to the following: Position = 0.01mm/0.0003937in, Tangency = 0.2 deg, Curvature = 0.1 |
Low | Sets the tolerances values to the following: Position = 0.1mm/0.003937in, Tangency = 0.3 deg, Curvature = 0.15 |
Custom | Enables you to set your own tolerance values. If you choose this option but do not edit the Position, Tangency and Curvature values, they will remain unchanged. |