Set entity width

1 When you select the command, the program displays the Colors and Materials dialog box.

This dialog box shows the color set associated with the current document. The color set consists of both the entity colors (a maximum of 63) and the environment colors (the background color and colors used for highlighting entities).

You set entity widths when you require that the program prints the different widths associated to colors. The plotted width of lines of the current color so defined will be visible on prints only when the Colors option is selected in Width, in the Print and Print Setup dialog boxes. This option is available in Print mode when the Batch option is not selected and both in Print and Hardcopy mode when the the Batch option is selected.

Width values are expressed in millimeters, whatever the unit of measure of the drawing may be.

2 Click on the width value you want to edit.

3 Type the width value in the box in the Width column, thus changing the current value.

You can set width values also from the Print and Print Setup dialog boxes, by clicking the Edit button and editing the parameters in the Colors and Materials dialog box displayed.

Related Topics
  • Print
  • Print Setup