Set advanced properties of colors and materials

1 When you select the command, the program displays the Color Map dialog box.
This dialog box shows the color set associated with the current document. The color set consists of both the entity colors (a maximum of 63) and the environment colors (the background color and colors used for highlighting entities).

2 Click on the number corresponding to the color you want to edit (as described in step 1 in Set entity colors).

3 Click the Advanced button. The program displays the Advanced Color Editing dialog box.

Here you can define the following parameters:

Diffusive The color of diffuse light reflected by the model. To select this color, click the adjacent Edit button to display the Color dialog box, and then select the color from the palette available on your computer.
Specular The color of specular light reflected by the model. To select this color, click the adjacent Edit button to display the Color dialog box, and then select the color from the palette available on your computer.
Transparency The value of the transparency co-efficient (between 0 and 1: 0 = no transparency; 1 = total transparency).
Reflection The value of the shininess co-efficient (between 0 and 1: 0 = no shininess; 1 = total shininess).

Wireframe/diffusive link When this check box is selected, the entity wireframe color is derived from that of the light reflected diffusely by the material ( Diffusive ). When not selected, the two colors are independent. To select this color, click the adjacent Edit button to display the Color dialog box, and then select the color from the palette available on your computer.
Width Determines plotted width of lines (line weight) of the current color when the Colors option is selected in the Width drop-down list in the Print and Print Setup dialog boxes. This option is available in Print mode when the Batch option is not selected and both in Print and Hardcopy mode when the Batch option is selected.

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