Category: Load
The parameters in this area control the file tolerance.
Display modes
Enables you to select the viewing representation of the objects that are converted.
Determines the recognition of coincident points. The tolerance may have a fundamental role in the recognition of coincident points. For example, some curve loops may only be opened or closed on the basis of this value. You can set the control and automatic correction of these situations by selecting the appropriate value from the adjacent drop-down list.
Set tolerance
When not selected, the tolerance value used for the conversion is the one that is currently specified for the model. The model tolerance value is defined in the Tolerance edit box under the Precision area of the General - Advanced category of Document Properties. When selected, the tolerance value can be specifically defined in the corresponding edit box.
Create boundary curves
Creates the boundary curves to surfaces.
Load colors in IGES format
On selecting this check box, the true color of the entities in the IGES file is retained while loading in the ThinkDesign application. On clearing this check box, the color mapping is done as per the setting of the 'Map IGES colors to ThinkDesign colors' option.
Map IGES colors to ThinkDesign colors
The IGES and ThinkDesign have their own set of color index, and a number is associated with each color. On selecting this check box, the IGES color number is mapped to the same color number in ThinkDesign. For example, if 28 represent blue in IGES format and in ThinkDesign 28 represent red, the blue IGES entities will change from blue to red on loading the IGES file in ThinkDesign format. On clearing this check box, the colors are mapped according to the similarity of shades. Hence, the color numbers might change. Note that this check box is available only when the 'Load colors in IGES format' check box is cleared.