Category: 2D-Text


The controls in this area determine general aspects of the conversion of texts

Min. gap

Determines the minimum Gap value (the minimum distance between characters) to be assigned to converted text strings, when the Ratio Priority check-box is selected

Gap priority

When selected, sets the calculation of the Ratio parameter on the basis of the value set for the Gap parameter, keeping the length of the string fixed

Min. ratio

Determines the minimum Ratio value (the the character base-height ratio) to be assigned to converted text strings, when the Gap Priority check-box is selected

Ratio priority

When selected, sets the calculation of the Gap parameter on the basis of the value set for the Ratio parameter, keeping the length of the string fixed

Delta in X

Determines the distance to shift the text origin, as a percentage of the character height. Instead of using the bottom-left corner of the text bounding box as the positioning point for text (as per the IGES specification), some post-processors use a slightly larger rectangle. The Delta in X and Delta in Y values enable you to resolve the resulting text shift.

Delta in Y

Determines the distance to shift the text origin, as a percentage of the character height. Instead of using the bottom-left corner of the text bounding box as the positioning point for text (as per the IGES specification), some post-processors use a slightly larger rectangle. The Delta in X and Delta in Y values enable you to resolve the resulting text shift.

Apply on transforming

Determines whether to apply the entire transformation associated with IGES text (entity 212, General Note) or only certain components of the transformation, based on the selection from the drop-down list

String box including final blank

When selected, ensures that calculation of the length of an IGES text string accounts for the final space. The length of a text string in IGES doesn't normally include the space after the final character. If 'lar' represents the width of every single character, 'spa' the spacing between characters and 'n' the number of characters, according to IGES specifications the length of a string is: n × lar + ((n - 1) × spa) rather than the value expressed by the simplified formula: n × (lar + spa) which includes the space after the last character. By default, the conversion uses the first formula. However, since many post-processors use the second one, the resulting strings are longer than the originals. You can account for this situation by selecting this check-box.