The Edge Chamfer command enables you to chamfer one or more edges of a solid.
Under Group1 in the selection list, choose one of the following methods:
You are prompted to select edges to chamfer. Click on the edges you want to chamfer. To reselect the edges, right-click on Edges in the selection list, choose
Reset, and select the edges again.
Note that you can apply the chamfer to all edges with tangency continuity to the selected edges by selecting the Tangency Chain check box under
Group Options.
Specify the chamfer dimensions. The values you must specify vary as follows depending on the method you chose to define the chamfer.
If you chose Distance+45^ (to create a 45º chamfer):
In the Distance mini-dialog, specify the distance from the edge.
If you chose Distance+Angle:
In the Distance mini-dialog, specify the distance from the edge.
In the Angle mini-dialog, specify the chamfer angle.
If you chose Distance+Distance:
In the 1st Distance mini-dialog, specify the first chamfer distance.
In the 2nd Distance mini-dialog, specify the second chamfer distance.
In the Distance+Angle and
Distance+Distance modes, select
Group Options:
an arrow will be displayed. If you double-click on the arrow
the chamfer direction will be inverted:
Under Group Options select the
Keep Edges check box to retain the edges of features intersected by the chamfer
or clear the check box to extend the chamfer through any intersected edges.
To chamfer another set of edges using a different chamfer value, select New Group in the selection list, and then repeat steps 1 to 3.
Click or to confirm your selections and chamfer the selected edges. Click to discard your changes.
In cases where the chamfer does not fit into solid due to large input value, the chamfer unfits warning message gets displayed.