Creating a Hyperbola given its center and its transverse and conjugated axes

After starting the Hyperbola command, proceed as follows.

1 Specify the center point by clicking or using Snap.

To change the selected point, right-click on Point, select Reset in the context menu and specify the new center.

2 In the Transverse Axis and Conjugated Axis boxes, type the length of the transverse and conjugated axis respectively, or drag the corresponding handles to the positions defining the desired lengths.

3 To define the size of the hyperbolic arc, select Boundary under More Options. The Upper Boundary and Lower Boundary mini-dialog boxes are displayed.

4 In the Upper Boundary mini-dialog box, type the distance between the second endpoint of the hyperbolic arc and the transverse axis. Similarly, in the Lower Boundary mini-dialog box, type the distance between the first endpoint of the hyperbolic arc and the transverse axis of the hyperbola, or drag the corresponding handles to the desired positions.


5 To rotate the hyperbolic arc, select Rotation under More Options. The Ccw Rotation mini-dialog box is displayed.

6 In the Ccw Rotation box (CCW = CounterClockWise), type the angle between the transverse axis of the hyperbola and the X axis of the Work Plane coordinate system.


7 Click or to confirm your selections and create the curve.

Click to discard your changes.

Axis visualization
The Axes check box under More Options enables you to control the visualization of the curve axes.
  • When the check box is selected, the preview of the axes of the curve is displayed.
  • When the check box is not selected, the axes are not displayed.