Adding Interpolation Points to a curve

The Add Interpolation Points mode of the Curve Interpolation Points command enables you to add new control points to the selected curve.

  1. In the Mode drop-down list select Add Interpolation Points or right-click and select Add Points in the context menu.
  2. Click in the position you want to add to the spline as a new interpolation point.

The perpendicular projection onto the spline of the selected point will be added as a new interpolation point to the spline arc you picked to select the spline curve.

The Add Points option puts the system in a mode where each pick with the mouse can insert a new point on the curve, thus adding flexibility to the curve. Within this mode you can still select existing points and modify them. A new point is added only if a pick does not happen. If you hold down the mouse when adding the new point you can dynamically see the resulting shape of the curve.

This command actually adds a new end point to the curve and resets the corresponding tangent to be recomputed. The new end point can be moved as needed to create the shape desired.