Modifying the tangency conditions at the endpoints

To modify the tangency condition at the end points when editing a curve with the Curve through Interpolation Points command, you can proceed in one of the following ways:

You can modify the tangent vectors of more than one curve contemporarily, so that they become either parallel or with the same magnitude or even both parallel and with the same magnitude.

1 Select the two curves and apply the Curve through Interpolation Points command.
2 Select the first and the second vector (holding down the SHIFT key)
3 Click:
  • Middle way between the end point and the middle point to apply the current Rule (shortcut menu: Apply End Condition Rule).
  • Close to the middle point of the second vector to change the magnitude of the first vector to the one of the second (shortcut menu: Set Tan Magnitude).
  • Middle way between the middle point and the far end point of the second vector to change the direction of the first vector to the one of the second (shortcut menu: Set Tan Direction).
  • Close to the far end point of the second vector to change both the direction and the magnitude of the second vector to the ones of the first (shortcut menu: Set Tangent).