Controlling the curve continuity

When editing control points with the Curve through Control Points command, you can:

Set the continuity conditions of the selected curve with other curves

1 After selecting the curve, select the Continuity constraints check box under Constraints. The Start Reference and End Reference selectors will be displayed in the selection list.

2 Select the Start Reference.

3 Select the control point(s) controlling the portion of the curve you want to apply the continuity conditions to.

4 In the Start continuity drop-down list, select the type of continuity you want to apply (continuity conditions will be enforced by moving individual control points the minimum distance required):
Position specifies that only geometric continuity is required at the endpoints.
Tangent specifies that the resulting curve must share the same tangent line as the start curve at the given end.
Curvature specifies that the resulting curve must have the same value of curvature as the start curve at the given end.
Torsion specifies that the resulting curve must have the same value of torsion as the start curve at the given end.
Smooth curvature specifies that the start curve's curvature plot and the resulting curve's curvature plot must be tangent continuous at the specified end.
Curvature plot curvature specifies that the start curve's curvature plot and the resulting curve's curvature plot must be curvature continuous at the specified end.
Perpendicular specifies that the tangent vectors of the two curves in the common point must be perpendicular.

In the example above, the choice was Tangent, and the following was the result:

If necessary, you can invert the direction of the start curve by selecting the Invert box.

By selecting the Curve Curvature command, you can also display a curvature plot which will help you check the shape and the smoothness of the resulting curve.

You can proceed similarly for the end curve (End Reference).

5 Double-click to confirm the changes you made.

Set the continuity conditions of the selected curve with surfaces or with a free point

In addition to the possibility of having end points coincide with the end points of other curves used as references, additional options are available to enable constraining end points to:

Restricting selection to curves and surface boundaries only
Please note that you can enable the command to select points, curves and surfaces or restrict selection to curves and surface boundaries only. A context menu is available when right-clicking on Start Reference or End Reference:

  • Curves Only
    restricts selection to curves and surface boundaries.
  • Points - Curves - Surfaces
    allows selection of points, curves and surfaces, but does not allow selection of surface boundaries.

Close the curve

The options of the Close Curve node under Constraints- Continuity constraints enable you to close a curve by moving its first end point onto the second one or vice-versa and setting continuity conditions on the new common end point.

The curve will be closed. To obtain an open curve, though keeping the endpoints overlapping, click Open Curve.

Use the Continuity drop-down list to set the appropriate continuity constraint ( Position, Tangent, Curvature).