Restore Selection modality for selections and settings in curve and surface commands
For most curve and surface commands, if you interrupt the command session your selections and settings are not lost: they are "frozen" in order to enable you to use them again without having to repeat them all, which might take a long time, at least in complex situations. The Restore Selection button ( ) is displayed on top of the selection list. It enables you to restore selections and settings as described below.
- When you run a command for the first time, the Restore Selection button is not yet enabled and it is grayed out.
As soon as you perform a selection or change the value of one of the command settings, the button will be visible and available.
- If you quit a command using the Cancel option, next time you run it again:
- If the command was quitted without performing any selection or changing any setting, the Restore Selection button will still look grayed out.
- If at least one selection had been performed or one setting had been changed, the selection/setting was stored by the command and the Restore Selection button will be visible and available. When you click it, the said selections/settings will be restored.
- If you quit a command by clicking OK, all the selections you performed and the settings you changed will be stored by the command. Next time you run it, the
Restore Selection button will be available. When you click it, all the previous selections and settings will be restored.
- If you select the Apply button, all the last selections you performed and the settings you changed will be updated by the command. The
Restore Selection button will be immediately available: if you click it, the previous selections and settings will be restored.
Once you click the Restore Selection button and the selections/settings have been restored, the button is grayed out.