Inserting a Spined Curve

Once you have started the Spined Curve command, you can proceed as follows (please note that you can follow this step-by-step example by loading file: "cv_90_03.e3").

1  Select the curve to be moved.

To change the selected curve (for example if you selected the wrong ones by mistake), right-click on Curve in the selection list, select Reset and select another curve.
2 Select the spine curve.

To change the selected curve (for example if you selected the wrong ones by mistake), right-click on Spine in the selection list, select Reset and select another curve.
3 As soon as the spine curve has been selected, a handle is displayed at the point you clicked on, along with the Parameter mini-dialog box.

By dragging the handle you can move the curve along the spine to the position you want to place it at. Alternatively, you can specify the corresponding parameter value in the Parameter box.

4 In the Reference plane drop-down list, select the method to be used to define the reference plane (the reference plane is a plane onto which the boundary curve will be translated so that it is orthogonal to the spine curve). For details on the plane definition method, see " How to define a plane".
5 Click or to confirm your selections and move the curve.

Click to discard your changes.