Breaking a solid into surfaces

Once you have started the Break Solid command, proceed as follows:

1 In the Mode drop-down list, select the breaking method:
Global to extract all the component surfaces of a solid
Local to extract only some of the component surfaces.



2 The program prompts you to select a solid. Select the solid you want to break up. To change the selected solid, right-click on Solid, select Reset in the context menu and perform selection again.

3 In the Layer drop-down list, select the layer onto which the resulting surfaces are to be placed:
Solid Layer all the surfaces will be placed onto the layer on which the solid is currently located.
Original Layer all the surfaces will be placed onto the layer on which they were originally created.
Specify Layer enables you to specify the layer onto which to place all the resulting surfaces. In the Layer drop-down list, either choose an existing layer or type in the name of a new one to create it.
4 Click or to confirm your selection and break the solid.

Click to discard your changes.



2 The program prompts you to select the faces to be extracted. Click to select the faces you want converted into surfaces, and then end selection.

3 To obtain associative surfaces, that is open solids —  Skins —  retaining a link to the original solid, so that if you modify that solid the surfaces will be modified accordingly, check the Associative Mode box. See " Associative Surfaces (Skins)" for details.

4 Click or to confirm your selection and extract the surfaces.

Click to discard your changes.