The Light Representation commands are available for every X-Reference component belonging to an assembly, including the read-only ones and the thinkparts standard components.
When you turn a full-detailed representation to a Light Representation one, the component icon in the Model Structure changes to identify the new status.
You can select more than one component when applying Light Representations to components.
You can switch from a Light Representation to another simply by selecting the new one in the context menu on the component(s). You get some specific warning messages in case the operation requires some preliminary action/it's not allowed.
When a component is displayed in a Light Representation automatically generated and with no history in the Model Structure, setting it as the current one or double-clicking it automatically brings it back to its full representation.
When you save, close and reload an assembly, the X-Reference component is loaded in the representation it was at saving.
The mating constraints involving components in Light Representation are kept, but you cannot add new mating constraints when the Light Representations are automatically generated, since they are static (i.e. have no history).
Actually, if the Light Representation is not automatically generated, that is it's provided by the user, you can include Symbolic References in the components. In this case you can even add mating constraints to components in Light Representation.
e-Learning on Light Representations