Importing CAD Geometry into ANSYS Workbench

Using the integration of ANSYS, you can import the CAD geometry into a simulation. To do so, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the application and load the CAD model (for example, Test.e3) containing the geometry.

  2. Select ANSYSStart Page from the menu bar. This will launch the Unsaved Project - Workbench dialog box.

  3. From the Unsaved Project - Workbench dialog box, select the type of simulation you want to create. For this tutorial, lets consider choosing Static Structural (ANSYS) (point 1, as shown in the image below).

  4. In the Project sheet, right-click on Geometry, choose Import Geometry and select the current file opened inside (point 3, as shown in the image above).

  5. Click on Model (point 3, as shown in the image above) and the ANSYS Workbench simulation window will be displayed and automatically imports the selected model.
    The Material associated to a solid in is taken into account in ANSYS if it exists in ANSYS Material Libraries (name matching). The correspondence is enabled when the ANSYS Material Properties option is checked-on.